Mar 4, 2008

The Perfect Fort Day

So yet again this winter my daughter and I found ourselves stuck inside due to the snow that continues to pile up outside. Since she is not a fan of playing in the snow, and since everything shut down today including where she would normally have gym class on Tuesdays, we decided to bring gym class to our house. First we climbed over the pillows from the couch and then suddenly I had a wonderful idea. I grabbed a chair, a tall lamp, pillows, and two sheets and proceeded to whip up the sorriest excuse for a fort I have ever seen. But she didn't care. To her, it was the most incredible thing she had ever seen. We went in and out about a hundred times. Then we laid inside, brought her dolls in to play, sang silly songs, and did alot of tickling. Alot. And it didn't matter that the sheets kept falling off and I was constantly putting it back together. She loved it. To her, it was perfect.
I think sometimes I judge things too quickly, thinking things won't work just because they are not exactly what I pictured or have had before. But really, if I try hard enough, I can make pretty much anything work. I may not have the most trendy shoes to go with my new dress, but won't the old ones I wore last season work just as well? Or what about my old cell phone that (oh my gosh!) doesn't take picture or do other crazy stuff I probablly couldn't figure out anyway. Isnt' it good enough? I mean it makes calls, right? Its reliable. Well, except when I leave it out in the rain!
I guess what I'm trying to say is that watching my daughter play in that sorry looking fort today reminded me to enjoy the things I have, even if they aren't the latest and greatest. Cause truthfully, I don't think this morning would have been the same without the sheets that kept falling off and the pillows that were so fun to tackle. So today I praise God for snow, for pillow/sheet forts, and for all the abundant gifts I am blessed with. I pray that I can begin to appreciate them more and more.


Mamacita said...

How much fun is that:)? Ethan loves making forts too. Isn't it great kids can show us so much to be thankful for without really trying?

Obsessedwithlife said...

Isn't the snow nuts??

Thanks for the reminder with the story-how cute!!
