Mar 6, 2008

Honking My Horn

I am not in the habit of honking my horn while I am driving. Unless it is a necessity (as in someone is about to hit me and I need to get their attention!), I usually just let the rude drivers drive away. OK, maybe I mumble something under my breath, but don't use my horn. I usually don't honk my horn-----and then their was yesterday.
To properly frame this story I must tell you briefly about my day yesterday. Yesterday was one of those days that the only words out of my daughters mouth all day were "Up mama!" And then there was the excessive whining which began from the moment I took her out of her crib in the morning. She hardly took a nap. By the time 2:00 rolled around I had had enough and was ready to scream. Add to that complete exhaustion (I could hardly keep my eyes open), and I was so ready for my husband to wake up. He works nights and usually gets up between 3 and 4. I stared at the clock for two hours, which made me grow even more tired. Finally at 4:15 he stumbles out of our bedroom. Great I thought. I'm headed for a nap. But........ as I walked back to the bedroom already dreaming about my pillow I remember- I have to bring an egg casserole somewhere in the morning and we have no eggs. Alright, no nap. Off to the grocery store. I tried to put an optimistic spin on it. At least I get to free myself from the house for a few minutes. So tired and cranky I left for the grocery store, longing for some peace and quiet.
Waiting for me at the grocery store where more of what I had just left- whining kids. One mother inparticular rubbed me the wrong way, telling her little girl that "if you don't stop crying, I'm gonna give you reason to cry". I hate that line. Then she proceeded to pull her daughters pants down and spank her in the middle of the store. I hate spanking with a passion. I don't judge anyone who chooses to spank their children, I just don't make that choice. So having to witness it just put me over the edge.
OK, back to my story. So I check out and leave the grocery store, now in a worse mood than when I went in. All I want to do is go home and take a long hot bath.
So I approach the exit of the parking lot I take. It's not at a light, but it is usually fast. Of course there's a line. So I wait. And then this beat up car comes out of no where and proceeds to cut me off. Frustrated, I mumble out loud to myself a bit. "this punk kid- thinking he's the king of the world" Keep in mind I"m in a really pissy mood. Now I am right behind this car and he is next to turn. There are no cars coming. None. Zero. All the cars are stopped at the light 100 feet from this exit. He has plenty of time to go. So now I get even more frustrated. And then I do the unthinkable. I honk my horn. Just once. Of course what I really felt like doing is laying on the horn and shouting as well. But I restrained myself. Just one little honk. Still no movement.
Finally after what seems like an hour, he pulls out. I pull out after him. This car then starts swerving all over the road. I'm thinking, great! This guy is drunk. Remember- the past few minutes I've been taking all my anger out on him. I'm just getting ready to call the police about this car when he plows right into a utility poll.
After seeing this I pull into the parking lot next to the car and call the police. But let me tell you what I was thinking. My brain said something like this: Great. All I want to do is go home and take a bath and now I have to wait for the police and be a witness for this drunken fool (OK, maybe I used a different word). Man, this stinks.
OK. So this story might seem kinda pointless. But let me tell you what I finally learned. This punk 20-something man who thought he was the king cutting me off and driving drunk wasn't that at all. He was actually having a diabetic reaction.
Um, who's the punk now?
That's right. Another lesson to learn. I was so wrapped up in my bad day blues that I took my frustrations out on this person even though I knew nothing about him. By the way, he's gonna be alright. He had some scrapes and bruises, but he'll be fine. Thank you God.
So my lesson from yesterday is this. There will be days that pretty much stink. Where all you want to do is go back to bed. But that doesn't give you any right to be mad at the world or to take your frustrations out on innocent bystanders. Even though I didn't say anything directly to this gentleman, I still feel guilty and pray that God forgives me. And maybe next time I'm having a rough day and someone "cuts me off" in some way, just maybe instead of going on a rampage, I'll pray for that person. I think the world would be a better place if we all tried that. And who knows, maybe it will help turn my day around!

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