Mar 3, 2008

Aching for God

First off, thank you to all the wonderful people out there who have left comments on my blog or e-mailed me about the new look. I appreciate your feedback. It appears that the majority like the new look, so I think I'll stick with it.
Yesterday was a great day, and not only because it was Sunday. I love Sundays because its God's day. It's the one day of the week that I get to gather with my whole faith community and just praise God- how awesome! But there was more to yesterday. At least where I live, the sun was shining, the Holy Spirit (aka the wind) was a blowin', and life just felt good. I was also blessed to be able to spend some times with not only my hubby and daughter but also some of my "sisters" from my parish. We sat outside in the sun and talked about God and how good He is to us. It was all beautiful. And then mass was wonderful as usual. I sometimes feel like I just want to start dancing and jumping around in praise cause I can hardly contain myself. God is so amazing!
Anyway, sometime in the middle of this beautiful day I started thinking about this quote from a movie I've seen. The movie is called Return to Me. Let me first give you a brief synopsis. There are two main characters: a man (I don't remember his name, but lets call him Joe) and a woman (her name is Grace). Joe's wife was in a car accident and died. A few years later he meets Grace and they fall in love. Something you should know about Grace is that she had a heart transplant a few years back. Well anyway, as a true Hollywood story would go, Grace discovers that she had received Joe's dead wife's heart. She freaks out and leaves thinking that Joe wouldn't want to be with her anymore. The line I remembered yesterday comes when Joe is talking to Grace's grandfather trying to get him to tell where Grace is. He says something to the extent that, "I love my wife. I will always love her. But I ache for Grace"
And that's what I thought about yesterday. I love my husband with a love that is indescribable. I could not even begin to explain the depth of my love for him. And the same goes for my daughter. I would do anything for them. Anything. Yet in thinking about this movie line, I realized this. I love my husband and daughter-unconditionally- but my heart aches for God. Like from the beginning of mass when I just can't wait to receive the Eucharist, or waiting in the communion line and I feel like laughing cause I'm filled with so much joy and love for my Savior. Or sometimes just praying by myself and I want so much to be able to run into my Heavenly Daddy's arms and give Him a huge bear hug. I ache to be with my God. To be in relationship with my God. To love Him more and more each day. And I love to feel His presence in my life, see Him in my everyday, and experience Him through my encounters with my hubby, my daughter, and all my wonderful friends. Sometimes I think that if I could I would sit in the adoration chapel 24/7 just praising God. It's like I can never lift up enough praise. And still I know that one day I will be able to. On that beautiful day when I meet God face to face. And all I ever have to do is praise Him. And I can't wait!

1 comment:

Mamacita said...

Amen to that:). That's one of my favorite movies and such a good line!