Mar 21, 2008

Good Friday

So this morning I set out to reflect on this blog today about the passion and Christ's agony on the cross. But here I am, at 9:15pm, only now finally getting a chance to sit down and write. I just got home from church and on the drive I changed my thought process for this post. Plus I'm exhausted and afraid that my brain isn't as sharp as it was earlier today.
So now I want to talk about love. Jesus said there is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends. Jesus died so that we could live. He took our place. But here's the catch. He didn't just die for the people he knew in the future would accept and follow Him. He also died for the people He knew would turn away. Those who would forever deny Him. He died to give them a chance to live as well. I often think it would be hard to die for those I love, but I could do it. But what about those I don't even know, or those who I care not to associate with. Could I die for them? Aren't they after all my brothers and sisters in Christ? Even if they don't profess Christ as Lord, does He not care for them just as He cares for me? And is He not calling me to love them and be willing to die for His own no matter what I think of them?
Love held Jesus on the cross. And it is now my mission to share that love, to radiate that love, to empty myself to that love daily.
Jesus gave everything. Everything. He held nothing back. He laid it all down and with His last breath loved us to His death.
Can I give Him the same?

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