Mar 17, 2008

Be careful what you pray for.....

Cause you might just get it!
There is this song that we have been singing at mass lately at my church called Hosanna. The words to the bridge particularly struck me, and so I have used them in my prayers quite often recently. The bridge is this:

Heal my heart and make it clean.
Open up my eyes to the things unseen.
Show me how to love like you have loved me.
Break my heart for what breaks yours
Everything I am for your kingdom's cause
As I walk from earth into eternity.

The line I want to focus on for a second is: Break my heart for what breaks yours.
This is what I have been praying lately. I asked God to help me find the compassion in my heart for all those I meet, especially those suffering in some way or another. And what did God do? Exactly what I asked. So now my heart is breaking everyday. And I see random people and want to cry for them. I notice things I hadn't noticed before and relate with people I wouldn't have in the past. My heart is breaking. And while it is uncomfortable and rather burdensome at times, I pray that it continues. Thank you God for answered prayers. And my prayers will continue.
Lord, break my heart for what breaks yours. Let everything I am be for your glory. And may people not see me but You. Amen


Anonymous said...

That is a beautiful song. What a special way to live for God to be able to hurt with others.

Mom L.

Gordon said...

I see I'm not the only one to be particularly touched by this specific line. While I haven't reached the point of crying for each hurting sould I see, it has helped me to be more aware of and pray for those close to me that are hurting.

I just had to say something because this line really touches me as well.

Be Blessed!