Feb 29, 2008


So, if this is not your first time to my blog, you may notice some changes. First off, I hope you like them. Guys, yes I know its alot of pink. But you see I spent years convincing myself that I hated pink becuase it was girly. So now that I allow myself to like it, I can overdue it and its ok. Also, I know it's been a while since I posted and some of you may have wondered if I just totally forgot. I started this blog to have somewhere to put down my thoughts. But then my fears took over and I started thinking that each post had to be better than the next, ect. In talking to my hubby, I have decided to transform the whole blog and start anew. Of course I will keep my old posts, but from now on I plan on trying to post more often. I will try to throw caution to the wind and just write, not worrying about the quality as much. Just write about everyday things. Cause after all, that's where I live, in the everyday. And that is a beautiful place to be.

My 17 month old daughter walked up to me today and gave me a kiss on the cheek. Just out of no where. And not an open mouth, slobbery kiss as she sometimes does (though I have to admit I do like those!), but a real kiss. And my heart melted. That is everyday living to me. Drowning in the happiness of kisses and laughter while at the same time forgetting about the housework. There is beauty in everyday living. And that is my plan for this blog now. To capture that beauty and see where it leads me. And if I have some companions along the way, that will be even better!


Obsessedwithlife said...

Sounds good! Looking forward to it and thanks for the link to my blog-it's much appreciated :).

Looking forward to the shower!!


Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed it. I'm glad you are going to start posting more often :)

Mom L

Unknown said...

This is great Liz. I personally love the pink!

Jen :)